In developing new products, there is more uncertainty than knowledge surrounding your idea. We’ll look at a few of the key risks you’ll need to identify and mitigate when going from 0 to 1.
HVL Helps Its Portfolio Companies Navigate Their Journey to Faster, Sustainable Growth
by News Outlet
Birmingham-based Harmony Venture Labs, a venture studio that aims to launch and cultivate high-growth startups has unveiled its first studio venture, CoWello. An all-in-one space management platform that aims to help business owners get the most out of their wellness center space.
Harmony Venture Labs Launches First In-House Startup
by News Outlet
Birmingham-based Harmony Venture Labs, a venture studio that aims to launch and cultivate high-growth startups has unveiled its first studio venture, CoWello. An all-in-one space management platform that aims to help business owners get the most out of their wellness center space.
Boost your Wellness Practice with CoWello
by News Outlet
Learn all about HVL’s studio first venture. Oz Imaghodor, CoWello’s Entrepreneur-in-Residence, shares the mission behind CoWello. Oz will be responsible of leading the team’s efforts to launch and grow CoWello.
Launch & Learn: Designing for Enterprise Software
by Fe Garcia
Challenges of designing B2B software, as well as recommendations and advice from experienced designers on how to anticipate, reduce, and address them.
What Is a Sales Cycle and How to Build a Process that Works For You
by Fe Garcia
If your company is looking for ways to attract more leads and generate sales, then keep reading. By the end of this article, you'll have a clear...
How to Nurture Customer Relationships with Email Automation
by Fe Garcia
It’s critical for startups and early-stage businesses to focus on cultivating customer relationships and building a strong email list. This is not...
Building Ideation and Innovation Into Your Development Process
by Fe Garcia
Emily Claypool: Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for joining our HVL Launch & Learn series. Our last session on EIR programs went well—if you...
Fostering Processes in a Startup Environment
by Fe Garcia
The word ”process” is one that most people, especially those in the startup environment, don’t love to hear. That’s because most business owners...
Product Design
by Fe Garcia
Katrina Langland: I want to welcome everyone to our third Launch & Learn! Our last Launch & Learn on product marketing went really well—if...